Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Desi Terminology


The most significant breed of human being in the western hemisphere (mainly in both sides of Atlantic), who is brown, starving of sex, carries GSM mobile and owns either a Dell Laptop or Toyota Camry.

Origin & Evolution of Desi

All Desis are originated from India, the most confused, versatile, powerful and happiest country in the 21st century.

After they leave India, evolution occurs in Desis. Few stay as FOBs as always, others try to change and adjust themselves to the ‘Gora' culture and 'Gora' accent. But both of the categories remain equally successful in Gora-dominated countries.

Types of Desi

Mostly all Desis are of same type. Desis in general are called to those people who have a root in India. But there are some people who are not citizens of India and hence aren’t quite like Indian Desis. Generally they are born and brought up away from India e.g. USA or UK. This breed is called ‘Confused Desi’ (CD). Although it has been seen in many instances that the Indian Desis are more confused than the CDs. The examples of CDs are:

ABCD: American Born Confused Desi

BBCD: British Born Confused Desi

Also there are some Indian Desis who are somehow not quite happy with India. They generally dislike anything which is Indian and always try to project themselves as better than Indian Desis. This type is called UBI - Unfortunately Born in India.

Category of Desi

Desis are divided into two categories

  • Desi Student
  • Desi Software Engineer or IT Professional

Desi Student

This breed is quite prevalent in United States of America. They have all the qualities a Desi should have plus they have that extra power of intelligence or money (not both) depending on their under-graduate college/school back in India.

Desi Software Engineer or IT Professional

This breed is growing day by day and quite happening lot now-a-days. They can be seen anywhere in the world from Tasmanian coast to Alaskan villages. They and their propagators back in India claim to solve any problem in the world but its not proven yet. Although their super-optimistic clients in the colder regions on earth still hope that their problems will be solved; hence they are investing billions of dollars on Desis.

Desi Party

A get together of five Desi guys and the girlfriend of fifth guy on the balcony with a 18-pack beer or a ‘khamba’ of white rum where the fifth guy leaves within an hour with his GF and others discuss the future of India and Indian Cricket for remaining four hours.


A 1.75 liter or 1.5 liter bottle of liquor depending on country.


Fresh of the Boat. Desis who still use water in the restroom.


White breed of the human being.


Black breed of the human being whom Desis envy because of their length.


The Chinese breed of the human being who share some ‘qualities’ of Desis, but Desis dislike their food habits.


Anonymous said...

I like ur nick more than ur blogging.. CHILLAR.. Chillare kottu chill aagi.. hahaha... U've made a start lets see how can u sustain ur chillar talks.. hahha..

Good luck dude..


X said...

Good one! Came here from Greatbong's blog.

Chhillar said...

@anon and pradeep
